Periodontal disease is a dental condition caused by an inflammation of the gums. Brushing teeth and flossing can prevent gum infections. Daniel Park, DDS offers effective and non-invasive therapies for periodontics Beaumont treatment. Timely treatment is critical to avoid irreversible complications for your oral health.
What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria accumulation in your oral cavity. The microbes consume the food debris in your gums and teeth to create a film of plaque in your mouth.
Gingivitis is the early stage of gum inflammation that may progress to periodontal disease. Periodontitis has severe adverse effects such as the gums pulling away from the teeth. It may cause the tooth to loosen and may weaken the jawbone.
If you skip your dental hygiene regimen, tartar develops on your teeth. Tartar is a mineralized form of plaque that is more challenging to clean. The calcified deposits require a dentist’s expertise to remove.
Tartar can spread below the gum line, making it harder to clean the food debris and plaque. The plaque irritates the gums, leading to swelling, redness, and bleeding.
Causes and risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of periodontitis include:
Poor dental hygiene: Dental professionals recommend brushing teeth twice daily and flossing at least once. Cleaning your teeth removes the plaque and food debris that irritate gum tissue.
Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes may occur during pregnancy or menopause, increasing the risk of gum disease. For example, pregnant women have lower estrogen levels, making them more susceptible to plaque buildup. Changes in estrogen can trigger issues such as jawbone resorption.
Immune response conditions: Patients with an immune response condition are more susceptible to inflammation and periodontitis. Diseases like diabetes may cause infections that require medical interventions. Patients with diabetes, cancer, or HIV should schedule more dental checkups.
Medications: Some drugs have physiological side effects that increase the risk of periodontitis. Medications like Atropen and Razadyne limit saliva production, leading to dry mouth. A dry mouth presents a more conducive environment for bacteria to thrive and leads to infections.
Smoking: Tobacco products contain nicotine, which affects the immune response. Nicotine limits the supply of blood and nutrients to the affected area. Your provider will encourage you to quit smoking before commencing the treatment.
Treatment for periodontitis
The goal of the treatment therapy is to address inflammation and receding gums. Your dental specialist will consider several factors before creating a suitable treatment plan. An initial exam can determine the depth of pockets and the rate of disease progression.
Some patients may require bone grafting to stop jawbone deterioration. Severe bone loss can lead to loose or missing teeth. The process will increase the recovery time, but it is essential for preventing complications.
Treatment will vary depending on the patient’s unique case. It may involve non-surgical techniques like deep pocket cleaning. The process removes tartar from areas below the gum line to stop the inflammation. Severe cases may require surgical procedures.
Contact Daniel Park, DDS, to schedule a dental consultation today.